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The following references are published articles about the Houston Catholic
Worker and the Catholic Worker movement:

  • Moises Sandoval, “Room at the inn,” Revista Maryknoll,
    December 1988.
  • Warren Lee Holleman, “Safe haven: Central America’s battered refugees
    find food, shelter, medical care and the gospel at Casa JuanDiego,”
    Our Sunday Visitor, April 7, 1991.
  • Ann Ball, “Immigrants fearful after ‘day of deported,'” Our
    Sunday Visitor
    , December 5, 1993.
  • “Catholic Workers say INS targeted arrests at guests in their
    house,” National Catholic Reporter, December 10, 1993.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “The Real Love of Dorothy Day’s life,”
    Our Sunday Visitor, November 5, 1995.
  • Arthur Jones, “Catholic Worker House is Multinational,” National
    Catholic Reporter
    , January 12, 1996.
  • Maria Scaperlanda, “Driven by love: Louise and Mark Zwick take
    the Gospel at its Word,” New Covenant, August 1996.
  • “Poverty” (Second Spring section of the Catholic World
    with articles by Mak and Louise Zwick, Dorothy Day, et al.),
    December 1996.
  • Lesley Payne, “Houston Catholic Worker reclaims founding principles,”
    National Catholic Register, February 9-15, 1997.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement,”
    Communio International Theological Review, Fall 1997.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “Introduction,” On Pilgrimageby Dorothy Day, Eerdmans, 1999.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins. Paulist Press 2005.
  • John Allen, “The Radical Witness of Houston’s Casa Juan Diego,” National Catholic Reporter, June 6, 2008.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “Sins of the Wallet: The Logic of the Market is Unacceptable,” National Catholic Register, November 4, 2008.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, Mercy Without Borders: The Catholic Worker and Immigration. Paulist Press, November 2010.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “Taking Flight,” Commonweal, December 17, 2010.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, and Distributism.” in The Hound of Distributism. Edited by Richard Aleman. American Chesterton Society, 2012.
  • Mark and Louise Zwick, “What the New York Times Did Not Say About the Sainthood of Dorothy Day.” Concilium International Journal of Theology. June 2013.
  • Mark y Louise Zwick, El Movimiento del Trabajador Católico: Orígenes Intelectuales y Espirituales. Houston Catholic Worker, 2013.