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Featured Articles

Can We Survive the Storms Around Us? Insights from Henri de Lubac, SJ

Sometimes we ask ourselves how we can keep going in the midst of the storm around us, the people with all their needs, their anxieties, the traumas they carry with them, their health problem. We have to ask the Lord to be with us each day as he calmed the sea for the disciples during a great storm. We also pray for the ship of the Church in the midst of the tempests of our time. Three of the Gospels recount the story of the time that Jesus was in a boat with the disciples when a great storm ... continue reading

Stories of Hospitality at Casa Juan Diego

When asked what we do at Casa Juan Diego, I used to respond with generalities, abstractions that didn’t really answer the question. Over the years, though, I have responded more and more by telling stories about what happens when Catholic Workers and newly arriving migrant persons interact. Although each story is unique, they do fall into patterns, patterns that have changed over the years. Here are some stories with added context that illustrate what is happening now. Health Care From the ... continue reading

Tenderly to the Poor in the Catholic Worker

            Within The Catholic Worker, there has Always been emphasis placed on the woks of mercy, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the harborless, that it has seemed to many of our intellectuals a top-heavy performance. There was early criticism that we were taking on ”rotten lumber that would sink the ship. “Derelict” was the term used most often. As though Jesus did not come to live with the lost,  to save the lost, to show them the way. His love was always shown ... continue reading

Our Needs at Casa Juan Diego

Hooded sweat shirts, jackets Pillows Twin-size  blankets, sheets Flip flops for women and children Jeans for men, size 28-36. Underwear for women, low-cut Underwear for children Tennis shoes for men, women, and childre Duffel Bags Adult diapers Underpads wheel chairs Dishes,  cups, pots and pans,  and silverware for people setting up an apartment Become a full-time Catholic Worker, Room and board and health insurance provided. Married couples welcome. Pray for ... continue reading

Reconstructing the Social Order Through the Works of Mercy in an Age of Migration: Reflections from the Houston Catholic Worker

“You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name,” Exodus 20:7. To “misuse” God’s name is to appropriate his name to justify self-interest, violence, murder….. (La Civiltá Cattolica)  The fabric of our social order is being harmed and even destroyed today by the following of false gods. This includes the misuse of the Lord’s name in overt expressions of hostility towards groups in our society (especially migrants and ... continue reading

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