Pillows Twin-size sheets, blankets Hoodies Flip flops for women and children Jeans for men Underwear for women, low-cut Underwear for children Tennis shoes for men, women, and children Backpacks Duffel Bags Dishes, cups and silverware for people setting up an apartment Become a full-time Catholic Worker, Room and board and health insurance provided. Married couples… continue reading
Peter Maurin Conference
September 6 – September 7 Date: September 6-7, 2024 Location: St. Gregory the Great Church, 5545 N Paulina St., Chicago, IL Conference exploring the life, sources, and vision of Peter Maurin, co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. This event will delve into Maurin’s Easy Essays, which promoted philosophical personalism and economic distributism based on Catholic… continue reading
New Immigration Policy Gives Status to Spouses and Children of U.S. Citizens And Helps Dreamers
Keeping American Families Together Program President Biden announced on June 17, 2024 a program to ensure that U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children can keep their families together. This new process will help noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence – status that they are already eligible for – without leaving the… continue reading
The Cosmos, the Glory of God, and the Mystery of Iniquity: Reflections from the Houston Catholic Worker
The great interest in the cosmos today, from the Big Bang theory to new discoveries and wonders of science, the galaxies revealed in new telescopes, new awareness of the mysteries of the animal world, and the whole world, is inspiring people to celebrate the wonders of the universe. Along with these awe-inspiring discoveries is a… continue reading
What is New in Hospitality at Casa Juan Diego in Houston
Casa Juan Diego is a a part of the Catholic Worker movement. We depend totally on donations We do not receive government funding. We are a very few people working without salaries. Casa Juan Diego’s hospitality includes new refugees arriving every day. We have been at capacity especially for the past eight months. We can only… continue reading
Casa Juan Diego Christmas Letter 2023
Dear Friends, The miracle of Casa Juan Diego continues. Our houses are full to overflowing with new refugees and their families who arrive each day. These guests have to be fed, clothed, and relocated. We cook a lot of meals. In addition, many, many people come to our food distributions each week. We purchase quantities… continue reading
“We imagine that their sufferings are one thing and our life another” – Leo Tolstoy
At our Friday evening meeting just before Pentecost, we shared with the men of Casa Juan Diego the reading from the Acts of the Apostles about the coming of the Holy Spirit. When the Apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, began to speak in different languages, those in the large crowd from many nations heard… continue reading
Pope Francis writes Preface to Dorothy Day’s book, From Union Square to Rome, in new Italian edition
Pope Francis writes the preface to the Italian edition of Dorothy Day’s autobiography, entitled, “I found God through His poor. From atheism to faith: my inner journey” (Libreria Editrice Vaticana-LEV). Dorothy Day (1897-1980), founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, journalist, writer, pacifist and activist, is remembered for her commitment to the poor and social justice…. continue reading
The Crown of Martyrdom, the Cult of the Dead, and Recent Martyrs
Martyrs for the Faith – Then and Now Some of the most well-known martyrs who died for their faith are from the earliest years of the Church – beginning with Jesus the Christ himself and then Stephen and many others martyred in Roman times. Over the centuries, Christians have continued to face persecution and martyrdom…. continue reading
On Pilgrimage and the Three Magi
“So now tomorrow I start off again ‘on pilgrimage,’ for we have here no abiding city.” [Dorothy Day, On Pilgrimage, Eerdmans] Over many decades, Dorothy Day’s column in The Catholic Worker was entitled “On Pilgrimage.” It seems that she viewed her whole life as a pilgrimage. In her columns and in her book, On Pilgrimage,… continue reading