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Thanksgiving Letter

Artist:  Angel Valdez

Casa Juan Diego is a Thanksgiving operation that works at the will and mercy of many people who hear the cry of the poor—and respond accordingly.

We cannot give enough thanks to those of you who have responded to the crisis of the increased numbers of refugees who have been coming to Casa Juan Diego, especially during the past year, those who assist with cooking, with preparing bags of food for our food distribution which includes so many refugees new to the country, those who give rides to our guests who need to get to medical appointments, the doctors who volunteer in our clinics, those who assist with translation in the clinic, those who contribute items for the basic needs of our guests that we list on our web site, and those who participate in the work through financial contributions without which we could not do so much.

Casa Juan Diego is an ongoing miracle. It might be truly named Casa de Milagros (Casa of Miracles) because it continues in the face of many challenges. We never get accustomed to these daily miracles that surround our work that continues not on account of us, but at times, in spite of us. We are beggars like everyone else and would be lost without the Nazarene.

Truly Casa Juan Diego is a faith operation. Faith in the Good Lord and faith in people (who always show up when we are about to lose our minds to take some responsibility. In fact, these generous people will be the caretakers of the future house of miracles.

We are at a loss on how to express our great need of giving thanks. The miracle of the loaves and fishes continues daily, thanks to many of you.

All we can say is Deo Gratias.

Sincerely in Christ,

Louise Zwick and all at Casa Juan Diego


Houston Catholic Worker, January-March, 2024, Vol. XLIV, No. 1.