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Thanksgiving Letter

Casa Juan Diego is a Thanksgiving operation that works at the will and mercy of many people who hear the cry of the poor—and respond accordingly. We cannot give enough thanks to those of you who have responded to the crisis of the increased numbers of refugees who have been coming to Casa Juan Diego,… continue reading

Who Needs Christmas?

Many wish someone would do something about Christmas. The feast is a national pastime which often has little to do with the meaning of the word Christmas or its origins. Beginning preparations for buying things have just about moved back to the fourth of July. Some feel we need a new independence day to declare… continue reading

How Mark Zwick Met Dorothy Day and the Seeds Were Planted For the Houston Catholic Worker/Casa Juan Diego

Mark visited Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker on several occasions. One visit was with his mother Florence to Peter Maurin Farm on Staten Island in 1956, when they spent the better part of a day with Dorothy. Mark sometimes accompanied his mother to New York when she went on buying trips for her family department store… continue reading

The Catholic Worker: A Model for Church and World

This video will give those who never had the opportunity to hear Mark Zwick speak (or who would like to see and hear him again as recorded) the opportunity to hear and see this talk given at the University of Notre Dame. The heart of the Catholic Worker as lived at Casa Juan Diego is… continue reading

Christmas Letter 2016

Dear Friends of Casa Juan Diego, Casa Juan Diego exists because Christmas exists. Without people who celebrate Christmas each year – and some each month – Casa Juan Diego would be incapable of so many Works of Mercy. Works of Mercy Our biggest works of mercy remain hospitality and care for the sick and injured…. continue reading

Urgent Needs

At Casa Juan Diego we are in immediate need of new hooded sweatshirts for men to give as Christmas presents.

Mark Zwick, Founder of Casa Juan Diego, is On Hospice

Update: November 18, 2016 Mark passed away this morning peacefully at home. Information about his life and the funeral services will be available in a  separate post. Update: November 12, 2016 Mark continues to rest at his home, but is in decline. We will be updating this page with information on services. Update: November 2, 2016… continue reading

Sick and Injured Immigrants Share Their Stories

Visiting With the Sick and Injured When people come to Casa Juan Diego for help, we hear many tragic stories, but see the beauty of families helping each other. When the sick or injured come for help, if there is family, or if they are able to live alone, we help them directly. We address the… continue reading

Called to Be Saints: John Hugo, the Catholic Worker, and a Theology of Radical Christianity

Benjamin T. Peters. Called to Be Saints: John Hugo, the Catholic Worker, and a Theology of Radical Christianity. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2016, 586 p. Reviewed by Mark and Louise Zwick In this landmark study of Fr. John Hugo and the retreat that had a profound influence on Dorothy Day, Benjamin Peters argues that Hugo’s… continue reading

New Pastoral Letter From San Salvador: I See Violence and Strife In the City

El Salvador is again overwhelmed with violence. At Casa Juan Diego we are very aware of the critical situation for Salvadorans because of the refugees who come to our doors and tell us their stories. In response to a crisis situation in which the death toll from homicides is one of the highest in the… continue reading