In response to widespread criticism across the country of the Secure Communities program of ICE (U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) on June 17, 2011 ICE Director John Morton issued a memorandum announ-cing some changes in the way the program is administered. Not only human rights groups, and the U. S. Catholic Bishops, but local… continue reading
Secure Communities? Some Changes in ICE Policies, But What is Needed is Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Works of Mercy: Casa Juan Diego Volunteers Help Paralyzed Immigrants
A neighbor brought Carmen (not her real name) to Casa Juan Diego. She was distraught. Her husband had had an aneuyrism and had spent two months in the hospital. They are from Guatemala and have no family here to help them. Carmen hoped that she could place her husband somewhere and that she could go… continue reading
Justice in Economics is Not Socialism: The Catholic Worker and Workers
In some people’s eyes, the words Worker and Catholic Worker give the Catholic Worker movement a bad name, even today. We were quite surprised when someone we had known for twenty years introduced us to a colleague as people who could explain the good parts of socialism. “What?” we said. “We are not socialists!” “Then… continue reading
Do We Help People Who Shouldn’t Be Here? Works of Mercy and Immigrants
Why Help People Who Shouldn’t Be Here? At Casa Juan Diego we do not help people who shouldn’t be here. At Casa Juan Diego we simply practice the Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, give drink to the thirsty, visit the sick and imprisoned. Biblical Imperative The Bible says… continue reading
Popes Teach Respect for Life and Social Justice
Some opportune remedy must be found quickly for the misery and wretchedness pressing so unjustly on the majority of the working class: Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum Life in many poor countries is still extremely insecure as a consequence of food shortages, and the situation could become worse: hunger still reaps enormous numbers of victims among those… continue reading
Living With the Human Side of the Church
We recently received an e-mail from a former Catholic Worker in Houston wondering if we could share ideas about living with the human side of the Church. She specifically asked about Dorothy Day’s reflections on this thorny question. This young friend, filled with faith and commitment to the poor, had had a conversation with another… continue reading
Health Care Reform? Help Needed With Health Care for Immigrants
No matter where your ideas may fall on the passage of the new health care legislation, the reality is that there will still be many who will have great difficulty accessing health care. Immigrants, even some legal immigrants, are specifically excluded. We need your help to continue medical services in our clinics. The clinics of… continue reading
More Deportations Than Ever
Many hoped there might be improvements for immigrants under the leadership of the new Obama administration. Not so! We have noticed a marked increase in reports and anecdotal evidence in the Houston area regarding deportations. We also get many calls from mothers of small children and pregnant women about the deportations of their husbands. Now… continue reading
Why Not Canonize Peter Maurin, Co-Founder with Dorothy Day of the Catholic Worker Movement?
Dorothy Day’s cause for canonization was introduced by Cardinal John O’Connor in the year 2000. In the last issue, we published the application form for joining the Guild for her canonization and included information on the process and progress of the cause. We believe that Dorothy’s canonization could have a tremendous positive impact. Her life… continue reading
The Secret Jails of Homeland Security: ICE Disappears People and Families and Lawyers Cannot Find Them
At Casa Juan Diego we receive calls from as far away as Central America from families of immigrants who are detained by U. S. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), calls from wives or husbands or parents who are desperate to find their loved ones. We try to help, and we make calls and give out… continue reading