When I arrived at the University of Notre Dame to begin my Ph.D. in Theology, the very first course I took was with the Peruvian father of liberation theology Gustavo Gutiérrez. I knew him by reputation since I had read his groundbreaking first book, A Theology of Liberation, and I was very excited to meet… continue reading
Our Needs at Casa Juan Diego
Cooking Oil Lentils Flip Flops for women, children size 34-36 bras for women Adult diapers – medium and large Underpads Pillows and twin sheets Jeans for men, size 27-36. Silverware for people setting up an apartment Become a full-time Catholic Worker, Room and board and health insurance provided. Married couples welcome. Pray for us and… continue reading
The Incarnation: Receiving the Lord in the poor, the stranger, the broken-hearted
It seems that sometimes we Catholics neglect to mention that the Lord Jesus explicitly told us why he was sent by the Spirit of the Lord, as he quoted the Old Testament prophecy. Recent experiences reminded us. We received a call from a hospital asking if we could accept an 18-year old mother of tiny… continue reading
Catholic Workers and Food
The guests living in our Casa Juan Diego Houses of Hospitality, along with the Workers who live and work there, eat the same food, together. Our meals are simple, nourishing, and lovely at times. Feeding and serving food happens all the time at Casa Juan Diego as an act of generosity and love. Food, however,… continue reading
Becoming a People–The Peter Maurin Conference, Chicago, September 6-7, 2024
The Peter Maurin Conference was, from the beginning, a labor of love. A group of 12 gathered over Zoom in early 2023 to discuss plans for a Peter Maurin conference in Chicago. Why Chicago, for a conference dedicated to a man born in France, who became famous in Union Square, and was buried in New… continue reading
Review: Dorothy Day: Radical Devotion: A Graphic Novel
Dorothy Day: Radical Devotion, Written by Jeffry Odell Korgen and Friar Mike Lasky, OFM Conv., Illustrated by Christopher Cardinale, Pauli’s Press, 2024. With the canonization process moving ahead for Dorothy Day, interest continues to grow for the Servant of God who famously said, “Don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be dismissed that… continue reading
Can We Survive the Storms Around Us? Insights from Henri de Lubac, SJ
Sometimes we ask ourselves how we can keep going in the midst of the storm around us, the people with all their needs, their anxieties, the traumas they carry with them, their health problem. We have to ask the Lord to be with us each day as he calmed the sea for the disciples during… continue reading
Stories of Hospitality at Casa Juan Diego
When asked what we do at Casa Juan Diego, I used to respond with generalities, abstractions that didn’t really answer the question. Over the years, though, I have responded more and more by telling stories about what happens when Catholic Workers and newly arriving migrant persons interact. Although each story is unique, they do fall… continue reading
Tenderly to the Poor in the Catholic Worker
Within The Catholic Worker, there has Always been emphasis placed on the woks of mercy, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the harborless, that it has seemed to many of our intellectuals a top-heavy performance. There was early criticism that we were taking on ”rotten lumber that would sink the ship. “Derelict” was… continue reading
Reconstructing the Social Order Through the Works of Mercy in an Age of Migration: Reflections from the Houston Catholic Worker
“You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name,” Exodus 20:7. To “misuse” God’s name is to appropriate his name to justify self-interest, violence, murder….. (La Civiltá Cattolica) The fabric of our social order is being harmed and even destroyed… continue reading