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The Beatitudes Are the New Commandments

As Moses had covenanted with God by virtue of the law received on Mount Sinai, so Jesus, from a hill on the shore of the Lake of Galilee, gives to his disciples and to the crowd a new lesson which begins with the Beatitudes. Moses gives the Law on Mount Sinai and Jesus, the new… continue reading

To Give Is Greater

Bridget is a Catholic Worker in Houston. She came to live and work at Casa Juan Diego after graduation from the University of Mary Washington. So much of our lives in this world are centered on what we can get. “Buy one, get one free!” “Get your money’s worth!” “Come and get it!” Growing up,… continue reading

Crossing from Guatemala to Casa Juan Diego With Much Faith

By an Immigrant Woman From Guatemala Many, like us, day by day see the great need to immigrate to the United States. There are many reasons. We want to better our quality of life for our families and ourselves. We want our children to have a profession, and we want to offer them what perhaps… continue reading

Dorothy Day and Pope Francis on Advertising

Dorothy Day famously said, “There have been many sins against the poor which cry out to high heaven for vengeance. The one listed as one of the seven deadly sins is depriving the laborer of his share. There is another one, that is, instilling in him the paltry desires to satisfy that for which he… continue reading

The Joy of the Gospel – Option For the Poor is Fundamental; Wealth Does Not Trickle Down

The message of Pope Francis has swept the world, inspiring Catholics and the media, some previously disillusioned Catholics, and even atheists. His new Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel, profoundly illustrates why this is so. In the style which has become familiar in his papacy of less than a year, Francis challenges us to… continue reading

Priest’s Brother Healed Through Prayers to Dorothy Day: A Letter

Greetings Friends at the Houston Catholic Worker, I just thought I’d tell you of my brother’s healing. Last year, doctors said my 72 year old brother Paul had a serious heel-bone infection which caused the achilles tendon to tear off the heel bone. Doctors said they needed to do a biopsy to confirm their diagnosis…. continue reading

The Perils of Professionalism Or a Revolution of the Heart

My most recent trip to the Mexican Consulate was to accompany one of our guests who needed their help. At Casa Juan Diego, we spend a lot of time waiting in lines at various Consulates. Our guests need the services they offer, but the Consulates often seem overwhelmed by the number of supplicants. We did… continue reading

Justice For The Poor: Chesterton and Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching really does not have a lot of nuance to it. It basically boils down to one thing: justice for the poor. The Church has always emphasized the corporal works of mercy, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, tending to the sick, and so on, but as important as those things are, this… continue reading

Let Us Join Pope Francis: On Why President Obama Should Not Bomb Syria

Tom Cornell is at Peter Maurin Farm and a Deacon of the Archdiocese of New York   In his last two Sunday Angelus messages, Pope Francis condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria and called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict that is tearing that country apart.  That riled Mark Phillips of CBS… continue reading

Pope Francis’ Call to Prayer and Fasting for Peace in Syria

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. The Pope made the announcement during the course of remarks ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer this Sunday. Below,… continue reading