Dear Friends of Casa Juan Diego, Many thanks for allowing us to remain open for another year. We are grateful. We keep hearing that you can tell a good Catholic by the way they love the poor (or a good Presbyterian or a good Jewish person). The “goods” keep us going. But it… continue reading
Blessed Oscar Romero on Christmas
Excerpts from the Homily for the Second Sunday of Advent on the fourth of December of 1977: “Christ, the Center and the End Of All Human History.” A Calling For Christmas Regarding Christmas, beloved brothers and sisters, I want take as a guide, and propose to you all, an initiative of the Diocese of Santiago… continue reading
The Son of God Was Homeless
Excerpted from Pope Francis’ talk at his meeting with homeless persons at St Patrick’s Parish in Washington, D.C. Saint Joseph had to face some difficult situations in his life. One of them was the time when Mary was about to give birth, to have Jesus. The Bible tells us that, “while they were in Bethlehem,… continue reading
Migrant Abuse, Family Separation During Deportations
(Washington, D.C., September 15, 2015 – Jesuit Conference) — As Pope Francis stated in his message for the 2014 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, “Migrants and refugees are not pawns on the chessboard of humanity.” A new study released today finds, however, that U.S. Customs and Border Protection is not fulfilling its obligation… continue reading
The Pope, the Cuban Embargo, and Inequality; A Personal Note
As I write this, I am still reeling from that part of Pope Francis’s speech to the Congress where he singled out Dorothy Day as one of four great Americans to be honored for their work and service. Dorothy Day was the inspiration for Mark and Louise Zwick starting Casa Juan Diego. For thirty-five years,… continue reading
Pope Francis Calls Dorothy Day a Great American In His Speech to Congress
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. Thursday, 24 September 2015 Mr. Vice-President, Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members of Congress, Dear Friends, I am most grateful for your invitation to address this Joint Session of Congress in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. I would like to think that the reason for this is that… continue reading
What Dorothy Day Teaches Us About Calling Saints “Saints”
Leonard DeLorenzo, Ph.D., is the Director of Notre Dame Vision, University of Notre Dame The title of Dr. DeLorenzo’s dissertation is “Those Who Hear Will Live”: A Theological Explication of the ‘Communion of Saints.’ Dorothy is a peculiar candidate for sainthood because, after all, she expressly commanded, “Don’t call me a saint, I don’t want… continue reading
Christ’s Presence Illumines Sorrows and Joys at the Houston Catholic Worker
Kathleen is a student at the Univ. of Notre Dame. She spent eight weeks at Casa Juan Diego this summer. The last of the women had just gone upstairs after coming down for a nighttime glass of water, and it was finally quiet. I shut off the kitchen lights, checked the lock on the back… continue reading
On Being a Migrant
King is a student at the Univ. of Notre Dame. He spent eight weeks at Casa Juan Diego this summer. One fateful day on September 18th 2002, I – King Fok – and my family of five left our apartment in Hong Kong and settled into a small suburban home right outside of Portland, Oregon…. continue reading
Sacred Rights: Land, Lodging, and Labor
The following are excerpts from Pope Francis’ address in July in Bolivia to the World Meeting of Popular Movements. The Bible tells us that God hears the cry of his people, and I wish to join my voice to yours in calling for land, lodging and labor for all our brothers and sisters. I said… continue reading