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Health Care Reform? Help Needed With Health Care for Immigrants

No matter where your ideas may fall on the passage of the new health care legislation, the reality is that there will still be many who will have great difficulty accessing health care. Immigrants, even some legal immigrants, are specifically excluded. We need your help to continue medical services in our clinics. The clinics of… continue reading

More Deportations Than Ever

Many hoped there might be improvements for immigrants under the leadership of the new Obama administration. Not so! We have noticed a marked increase in reports and anecdotal evidence in the Houston area regarding deportations. We also get many calls from mothers of small children and pregnant women about the deportations of their husbands. Now… continue reading

Love Alone Is Credible: Recognizing Christ In the Poor Requires an Encounter With the Lord

Love desires no recompense other than to be loved in return; and thus God desires nothing in return for his love for us other than our love. “Let us not love in word or speech, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18) Whoever does not come to know the face of God in… continue reading

Why Not Canonize Peter Maurin, Co-Founder with Dorothy Day of the Catholic Worker Movement?

Dorothy Day’s cause for canonization was introduced by Cardinal John O’Connor in the year 2000. In the last issue, we published the application form for joining the Guild for her canonization and included information on the process and progress of the cause. We believe that Dorothy’s canonization could have a tremendous positive impact. Her life… continue reading

The Secret Jails of Homeland Security: ICE Disappears People and Families and Lawyers Cannot Find Them

At Casa Juan Diego we receive calls from as far away as Central America from families of immigrants who are detained by U. S. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), calls from wives or husbands or parents who are desperate to find their loved ones. We try to help, and we make calls and give out… continue reading

Promoting the Canonization of Dorothy Day: Send Information On Favors Received Through Her Intercession

Membership in The Guild for Dorothy Day is a way to assist in the canonization of Dorothy Day. Lourdes Ferrer, Coordinator of the Guild, writes that “Because of our modest staff, we depend on our members not only for financial support, but also for your assistance in distributing Guild brochures, starting prayer circles and becoming… continue reading

Death by Earthquake: Collateral Damages of Neoliberalism: Why Did the Earthquake Do So Much Damage in Haiti?

Every Wednesday evening at Casa Juan Diego we celebrate Mass in honor of our guests’ arrival in the United States. It is our tradition to ask one of the recently arrived immigrants to tell the story of his journey. Often these are harrowing stories, and usually it is very difficult for the storytellers to put… continue reading

A Former Catholic Worker, Now a Teacher, Shares with Students How the Infancy Narratives Relate to Immigrants’ Stories

Hey, Mark and Louise! Just wanted to check in and once again thank you for everything you and all of the Catholic Workers do there at Casa Juan Diego. I cherish the time I spent serving there, and in new ways I am constantly coming to find how what I learned there is being lived… continue reading

Aliens and the Bible: Evangelical Protestant Approaches to the Undocumented

The author is a Catholic Worker at Casa Juan Diego, on sabbatical leave from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible (2008) by M. Daniel Carroll R. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 174 pp., $16.99 (paper) The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible (2009) by James… continue reading

The Encyclical Caritas in Veritate Through the Lens of Casa Juan Diego

Josh is a Catholic Worker at Casa Juan Diego, recently graduated from North Park University in Chicago. Caritas in Veritate is an invitation to think differently. It is, above all, a challenge to think like a Christian in matters beyond one’s ‘personal religious experience’ or ‘private life.’ The Church has often-untapped resources, beyond that which… continue reading