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The Catholic Worker, Model for Church and World for the Civilization of Love

Mark and Louise Zwick recently gave talks at the Univ. of Notre Dame at the conference on Formation and Renewal sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Culture and at a discussion group on economics sponsored by Fr. Nesti at the Institute for Faith and Culture at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. A… continue reading

Don’t Buy Clothes from Sweatshops: Support Companies that Honor Workers

I am fastly approaching the end of a very rewarding summer at Casa Juan Diego. I have spent the last two and a half months basking in the presence of God’s favorite people: the poor. I have learned so much from the immigrant guests and their heart-wrenching stories. It is these stories which have inspired… continue reading

We Almost Suffocated in the Trailer with the Others in Victoria, Texas after a Terrible Journey from El Salvador

When so many people died in the trailer bringing immigrants from Laredo to Victoria, Texas, the Honduran Consulate called Casa Juan Diego to ask if we could receive the Honduran survivors if the Immigration and Naturalization Service would release them. We said yes. It was reported in the media that possibly we would receive them,… continue reading

Christ Our Peace, Unifier of the World: A Note on the Invariable Calamity of War – War is not Normative

The Christian appraisal of armed hostility is sometime reduced to a set of doctrinal criteria purporting to sum up the morally significant aspects of war. An alternative and equally hallowed approach is the appeal to a pervasive human sinfulness so toxic as irremediably to infect the structure of human existence with bloodshed and killing. But… continue reading

Pope John Paul II calls War a Defeat for Humanity: Neoconservative Iraq Just War Theories Rejected

The most consistent and frequent promoter of peace and human rights for the last two decades has been Pope John Paul II. From Iraqi War I to Iraqi War II, he has echoed the voice of Paul VI, crying out before the United Nations in 1965: War No More, War Never Again! John Paul II… continue reading

Is Casa Juan Diego a Smuggling Operation? No, Just the Works of Mercy for Immigrants and Refugees

With the discovery of the deceased who had suffocated in a trailer truck jammed with living and the dead, local reporters besieged Casa Juan Diego with questions. They wanted to know-and the public was demanding to know-about the life of the immigrants. Since Casa Juan Diego provides hospitality to 125 to 150 each night, they… continue reading

The Immorality of Conscription, the Military Draft: the Majority cannot Determine Morality

Fr. Hugo published a seven-page article entitled “The Immorality of Conscription” in the November 1944 issue of The Catholic Worker. According to Patrick Coy, the article was so popular and the demand for it ran so high, that less than six months later the CW included it again, this time as a supplement to the… continue reading

From a Bishop of the Early Church on Nonviolence: Act as Lambs Rather than Wolves

That they may now understand that this is a new kind of warfare and not the usual custom of joining in battle, when he sent them forth with nothing He said: “And so, marching on, show forth the meekness of lambs, although you are to go to wolves. . . for so will I best… continue reading

The Power of Fritz Eichenberg Woodcuts with Dorothy Day Text in The Catholic Worker: The Peaceable Kingdom

Fr. Daprile, a priest from the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, has just sent us a copy of his dissertation at Duquesne University. It is entitled The Power of the Visual Image and its Correlation to Text: The Graphic Illustrations of Fritz Eichenberg and the Texts of Dorothy Day as found in The Catholic Worker 1949-1980…. continue reading

Dorothy Day on Love, Sexuality, Marriage and Pedophilia

I have just read a review of the Kinsey report, which appeared in the spring number of Politics. . .. Here are some of the things I was thinking about the book. In the first place, I remembered how I came across Havelock Ellis’s Sexual Pathology at the age of seventeen, in the home of a… continue reading