When I became a Catholic many years ago, somehow I got the idea that earthly concerns were not very important in the light of eternity. My instruction in the faith did not teach that, but the very idea of the transcendent reality of God and life someday in the beatific vision led my mind to… continue reading
Our Needs at Casa Juan Diego
Cooking Oil Lentils Flip Flops for women, children size 34-36 bras for women Adult diapers – medium and large Underpads Pillows and twin sheets Jeans for men, size 27-36. Silverware for people setting up an apartment Become a full-time Catholic Worker, Room and board and health insurance provided. Married couples welcome. Pray for us and… continue reading
Christmas Letter
Dear Friends of Casa Juan Diego, The joy of Christmas comes as a great gift, breaking into the despair, sadness, and fear of violence that surrounds us and others in many parts of the world. All the hype about Christmas shopping (since July 4) simply cannot drown out the Good News of this Silent Night:… continue reading
The Incarnation: Receiving the Lord in the poor, the stranger, the broken-hearted
It seems that sometimes we Catholics neglect to mention that the Lord Jesus explicitly told us why he was sent by the Spirit of the Lord, as he quoted the Old Testament prophecy. Recent experiences reminded us. We received a call from a hospital asking if we could accept an 18-year old mother of tiny… continue reading
Can We Survive the Storms Around Us? Insights from Henri de Lubac, SJ
Sometimes we ask ourselves how we can keep going in the midst of the storm around us, the people with all their needs, their anxieties, the traumas they carry with them, their health problem. We have to ask the Lord to be with us each day as he calmed the sea for the disciples during… continue reading
Peter Maurin Conference
September 6 – September 7 Date: September 6-7, 2024 Location: St. Gregory the Great Church, 5545 N Paulina St., Chicago, IL Conference exploring the life, sources, and vision of Peter Maurin, co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. This event will delve into Maurin’s Easy Essays, which promoted philosophical personalism and economic distributism based on Catholic… continue reading
New Immigration Policy Gives Status to Spouses and Children of U.S. Citizens And Helps Dreamers
Keeping American Families Together Program President Biden announced on June 17, 2024 a program to ensure that U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children can keep their families together. This new process will help noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence – status that they are already eligible for – without leaving the… continue reading
The Cosmos, the Glory of God, and the Mystery of Iniquity: Reflections from the Houston Catholic Worker
The great interest in the cosmos today, from the Big Bang theory to new discoveries and wonders of science, the galaxies revealed in new telescopes, new awareness of the mysteries of the animal world, and the whole world, is inspiring people to celebrate the wonders of the universe. Along with these awe-inspiring discoveries is a… continue reading
What is New in Hospitality at Casa Juan Diego in Houston
Casa Juan Diego is a a part of the Catholic Worker movement. We depend totally on donations We do not receive government funding. We are a very few people working without salaries. Casa Juan Diego’s hospitality includes new refugees arriving every day. We have been at capacity especially for the past eight months. We can only… continue reading
Casa Juan Diego Christmas Letter 2023
Dear Friends, The miracle of Casa Juan Diego continues. Our houses are full to overflowing with new refugees and their families who arrive each day. These guests have to be fed, clothed, and relocated. We cook a lot of meals. In addition, many, many people come to our food distributions each week. We purchase quantities… continue reading