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Christmas Letter 2022

The Spirit of Christmas is very important to Casa Juan Diego. We cannot survive without it. We ask your prayers that the Spirit of Christmas be with us—that there will be “Room in the Inn.” We remember with the birth of Jesus our shared heritage with the Jewish community. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was… continue reading

A Christmas Feast for the Whole Universe, From Many Countries Migrants Come to Casa Juan Diego

“The star came to rest above the place where the child was. At the sight of it the wise men were filled with great joy, and that great joy should fill our hearts as well. It is the same as the joy the shepherds received from the glad tidings brought by the angels. Let us… continue reading

Liturgy, Theology, Poetry, and Slaughter in Our World

Some years ago Allison Ogle, one of the dedicated young Catholic Workers at Casa Juan Diego, introduced us to her fiancé (now her husband) Jonathan Ciraulo. Jonathan was a graduate student of theology at the University of Notre Dame; he has since received his doctorate and is teaching at St Meinrad’s School of Theology. The… continue reading

Pro-life After Dobbs – God Will Say, Where Are the Others?

Prolife After Dobbs – Who Will Care for the Mothers and Babies?   The joy of many after the Supreme Court ruling to leave abortion decisions to the states should spark a big response among Catholics to respond to many more pregnant women who will be in need. Prolife groups who give baby furniture, diapers,… continue reading

A Celebration of Juan Diego at Casa Juan Diego Houston

We were inspired by a sermon on St. Patrick’s Day this year at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (online at 6 a.m. on weekdays) as the celebrant of the Mass reminded us of how the patron saint of a place looks out for the people of that parish or other place named for the saint, from heaven…. continue reading

Christ and the Common Destiny of Humanity

“His blood has made one kingdom out of all nations in the Mystical Body of Christ” – Henri De Lubac In his January 10th speech to the Vatican Diplomatic Corps this year, Pope Francis reminded them (and all of us) of our common destiny among world crises: “The issue of migration, together with the pandemic… continue reading

Thanksgiving Letter

No government agency guarantees the future of Casa Juan Diego, but it continues to survive, thanks to you all. We have received so much. Of course, the generosity is not meant for us (we are not paid), but for the many hundreds of women, men, and children who stay at Casa Juan Diego, for the… continue reading

Christmas and Precarity

What we celebrate in our Christmas Masses is true. God has entered human history in the Word made flesh, the Second Person of the Triune God. As Jennifer Newsome Martin, put it in her study of the work of Charles Péguy, French poet of the Incarnation, in Communio this year, “With the resounding fact of… continue reading

Casa Juan Diego Services Disruption

Monday, November 29 to Friday, Dec 17, 2021 Because of City construction, Casa Juan Diego’s buildings on Rose Street will be closed on the above dates to all but foot traffic on the sidewalk. Rose Street between Shepherd and Durham will be closed in both directions. No vehicles of any kind will be allowed in… continue reading

‘Don’t Worry, This Is a Catholic House’

Published in Commonweal Magazine. October 25, 2021 Our work at Casa Juan Diego in Houston, Texas, changed abruptly during the first months of the pandemic. Because of the lockdowns and emergency restrictions at the U. S. Mexico border, fewer refugees arrived from Latin Amieica. We were busier than ever, however…. To Continue reading the article,… continue reading