And the angel said to them: “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you Good News of a great joy that will come to all the people: for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you… continue reading
Into the Dark with God: A Christmas Meditation on the Incarnation, for a Troubled World
Pope Benedict XVI’s Matthew 25 Encyclical, God is Love: Charity and Justice Must Meet
In his first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est , God is Love , Pope Benedict XVI puts service to the poor and love of neighbor at the same level as the essential activity of the Church of the administration of the Sacraments and proclamation of the Word. When one reads in his text that love for widows, orphans,… continue reading
Benedict’s Deus Caritas Est – God is Love: The Way of Love in the Church’s Mission to the World
by David L. Schindler, Dean and Gagnon Professor of Fundamental Theology, Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America David Schindler is a friend of the Houston Catholic Worker and presents here his theological view of Pope Benedict’s Encyclical, “God is Love.” I. The Love that… continue reading
Pope Benedict XVI Interprets Vatican Council II: Holy Father Unwittingly Completes Zwick Article on “What Happened To the tremendous Renewal Possibilities After Vatican II?”
Editors’ Introduction: Unwittingly, Pope Benedict XVI has written the final chapter to our article, “What Happened After Vatican II?” which we published in the March-April 2004 edition of the Houston Catholic Worker. At the time of its publication, long-time Catholic Worker and Catholic Deacon Tom Cornell spoke positively about our description and analysis of the… continue reading
Pope Benedict XVI Sets the Themes for his Papacy: Rulers Must Help the Poor; Respect of Persons Prohibits Some Economic Practices; Lectio Divina Will Bring a New Spiritual Springtime
While waiting for some dramatic theme to come out of the new papacy, many commentators have missed the soft, gentle, but sure voice of Benedict XVI developing a common thread through his presentations in which he proclaims a new vision-a vision that is not really new, but so old it looks like new (cf. Peter… continue reading
The Magi Changed Ideas of Power: Kneeling Before the Child of Poor People, They Discovered God
In our pilgrimage with the mysterious Magi from the East, we have arrived at the moment which Saint Matthew describes in his Gospel with these words: “Going into the house (over which the star had halted), they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him” (Mt 2:11). Outwardly, their… continue reading
The Drawbacks of Pure Secular Reason, especially in the midst of Hurricane Katrina
As we were trying to write this article about putting flesh on the Gospel in the world, we were constantly interrupted by telephone calls from desperate people, a weeping, battered woman with a battered upbringing, Spanish-speaking immigrants arriving from New Orleans and Mississippi from Hurricane Katrina seeking shelter, and one person after another with serious… continue reading
Pope Benedict: All Are Called to Solidarity with Poor and Refugees
Pope Benedict XVI calls all to commitment in living out the faith. He has insisted that “Christians be sensitive to the needs of everyone, without ever hiding the radical requirements of the Gospel message.” He asked that all baptized be committed, each in their own state of life, to transforming society by permeating the mentality… continue reading
How Can We Reform the Church? Personalist Revolution Starts with “I,” Not “They”
At a recent gathering of Catholics who had had several intensive reflective sessions together, the participants were asked to comment upon the impact of the meetings and how they had changed them personally or deepened their faith. The group leaders were disappointed when they received the written comments. They were quite surprised that almost without… continue reading
Fraudulent Scholarship, Whether Archaeological or Neo-Gnostic, Misleads Christians
The headlines jumped out at us. Newspapers across the United States highlighted the indictment of four professional archaeologists and collectors in the Holy Land for fraud. Another indictment followed. Major artifacts had been forged and sold, charged the Israeli government, with the goal of changing history and religious beliefs (especially Catholic and Jewish) and to… continue reading