We were inspired by a sermon on St. Patrick’s Day this year at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (online at 6 a.m. on weekdays) as the celebrant of the Mass reminded us of how the patron saint of a place looks out for the people of that parish or other place named for the saint, from heaven…. continue reading
Where Is Peter Maurin?
Peter Maurin, Co-Founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, died in 1949. The telephone rang insistently. It had been ringing all day for we were expecting Peter Maurin—co-founder, with Dorothy Day, of the Catholic Worker movement—to come for a lecture. He was also expected to speak elsewhere in the city, at St. Michael’s College. But as… continue reading
New Biography of Peter Maurin in French
Jean Francois Salles, Peter Maurin l’appelait la Green Revolution (Mende, France : L’ours de granit 2021. https://www.loursdegranit.fr. Reviewed by Allison Clifton When Jean-François Salles, a photographer in Lozère in southern France, met an American Catholic Worker looking for traces of Peter Maurin in the region, he knew little about the man they were seeking. For… continue reading
Christ and the Common Destiny of Humanity
“His blood has made one kingdom out of all nations in the Mystical Body of Christ” – Henri De Lubac In his January 10th speech to the Vatican Diplomatic Corps this year, Pope Francis reminded them (and all of us) of our common destiny among world crises: “The issue of migration, together with the pandemic… continue reading
Prayer for all Migrants, to Saint Joseph, persecuted and courageous migrant
Saint Joseph, you who have experienced the suffering of those who must flee you who were forced to flee to save the lives of those dearest to you, protect all those who flee because of war, hatred, hunger. Support them in their difficulties, Strengthen them in hope, and let them find welcome and solidarity. Guide… continue reading
A Tough Journey For Our Family
We left Venezuela together, having faith in God that we would arrive at our destination. The lack of basic necessities and the organized delinquency in our country obliged us to go out, fleeing, leaving behind our loved ones and a part of our lives. We were my husband, my son and I, but we were… continue reading
Synods and Roundtables
Peter Maurin must be smiling. Pope Francis has announced a startling new way forward for the whole church. When we think of big changes in the church, we think of shifts in theology like Vatican II or in terms of stances on major issues. But Francis’ dream of a church is ultimately transformation, and his… continue reading
The Cause of Dorothy Day
“The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us? When we begin to take the lowest place, to wash the feet of others, to love our brothers with that burning love, that passion, which led to the… continue reading
Thanksgiving Letter
No government agency guarantees the future of Casa Juan Diego, but it continues to survive, thanks to you all. We have received so much. Of course, the generosity is not meant for us (we are not paid), but for the many hundreds of women, men, and children who stay at Casa Juan Diego, for the… continue reading
Thy Will Be Done
Sofía has been a volunteer at Casa Juan Diego for ten years. In January of 2021 I discovered that I was pregnant. The emotion was huge. We could not believe that soon we would be a family of five. The normal symptoms of pregnancy began. Nausea, insomnia, sleepiness… the “normal” and “expected.” During the 10th week,… continue reading