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Crossing from Guatemala to Casa Juan Diego With Much Faith

By an Immigrant Woman From Guatemala Many, like us, day by day see the great need to immigrate to the United States. There are many reasons. We want to better our quality of life for our families and ourselves. We want our children to have a profession, and we want to offer them what perhaps… continue reading

International Interest in the Canonization of Dorothy Day

International interest seems to be growing in Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. We are receiving requests from various countries for our new translation in Spanish of The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins. We wondered what was in the package from Germany. When we opened it, we found a copy of Concilium in German with a blue… continue reading

Dorothy Day and Pope Francis on Advertising

Dorothy Day famously said, “There have been many sins against the poor which cry out to high heaven for vengeance. The one listed as one of the seven deadly sins is depriving the laborer of his share. There is another one, that is, instilling in him the paltry desires to satisfy that for which he… continue reading

The Trickle Down Economy Is Alive and Well at Casa Juan Diego With So Many Poor: Tears Roll Down Instead of Wealth

On a Tuesday last November I was in a planning meeting with some executives of a local social service agency who were talking about the problem of food insecurity in Houston. It is a growing problem and an interesting discussion, but I said nothing, partially because I was late but mostly because I was exhausted…. continue reading

The Joy of the Gospel – Option For the Poor is Fundamental; Wealth Does Not Trickle Down

The message of Pope Francis has swept the world, inspiring Catholics and the media, some previously disillusioned Catholics, and even atheists. His new Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel, profoundly illustrates why this is so. In the style which has become familiar in his papacy of less than a year, Francis challenges us to… continue reading

Christmas Letter 2013

Dear Friends, The spirit of Christmas – Jesus being born poor in a stable – is an indomitable force, despite the efforts of consumerism. The poor tell us “that God chose his Son to be born like the rest of us so that we can realize that we are important.” But Jesus and Christmas belong… continue reading

A Devastating Journey North for a Migrant from Honduras to the United States

I left Honduras with a plan of arriving in the United States.  When I got to Guatemala, that same day I crossed Guatemala, arriving at the border with Mexico. I crossed the river in a large inner tube of a tire of a tractor or car. After crossing the river, I arrived in Tapachula, Chiapas,… continue reading

On Making Metro in Houston Less Expensive for the Good of the Poor, for the Good of All

The Houston Chronicle had an interesting headline on the front of the City and State section in September: Metro: Free Fare Days Are Signpost to Future, it read. The story told of the great results of a plan by Metro over the Labor Day Weekend to promote ridership on its buses and light rail by… continue reading

Volunteer Opportunities

How You Can Help: Full-time Catholic Workers  – Live and work at Casa Juan Diego. Assist Catholic Workers on a half-day weekend shift Volunteer doctors and dentists needed for our clinic. Assistants need to help organize charts. Help distribute food once a week early Tuesday mornings Assist our master gardener in our organic garden Be… continue reading

Priest’s Brother Healed Through Prayers to Dorothy Day: A Letter

Greetings Friends at the Houston Catholic Worker, I just thought I’d tell you of my brother’s healing. Last year, doctors said my 72 year old brother Paul had a serious heel-bone infection which caused the achilles tendon to tear off the heel bone. Doctors said they needed to do a biopsy to confirm their diagnosis…. continue reading