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Prayers and Aid for Haiti After the Earthquake

As we go to press, we hear many reports of the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti. Our prayers and thoughts are with the Haitian people as they try to recover. The Vatican has asked Catholic Relief Services, the official overseas aid and development agency of the United States Catholic Bishops, to coordinate Catholic efforts in… continue reading

The Blessings of Saint Juan Diego at Casa Juan Diego

Jennifer is a Catholic Worker at Casa Juan Diego, a recent graduate from the University of St. Thomas in Houston. On December 9 th , the feast day of Saint Juan Diego, the staff of Casa Juan Diego was given numerous opportunities to see Christ in the poor and to grow in the virtues of… continue reading

Immigration Reform Can Wait No Longer

In September of 2009, Most Rev. Jose H. Gomez, Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas led a delegation of Hispanic Bishops to speak to the Congress in Washington, D.C. about the urgency of immigration reform. This article was published in the San Antonio Archdiocesan paper, Today’s Catholic. The current Congress, certainly has its hands full trying to… continue reading

Cardinal Newman on the Incarnation

His condescension in coming down from heaven, in leaving His Father’s glory and taking flesh, is so far beyond power of words or thought, that one might consider at first sight that it mattered little whether He came as a prince or a beggar. And yet after all, it is much more wonderful that He came… continue reading

The Great Mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ

“The great mystery of the Incarnation,” Dorothy Day said as she spoke about the inspiration for the daily life of those in the Catholic Worker movement, “which meant that God became man that man might become God, was a joy that made us want to kiss the earth in worship, because His feet once trod… continue reading

Wounded Healers

Early this summer when Mark had surgery on his ear for skin cancer, he was told he must strictly limit his physical activities for two weeks. He had to have his ear dressed and bandaged each day, along with a place on his face where skin was removed for a graft on the ear. He… continue reading

Government Detention Center for Children and Families Closing: The End of the T. Don Hutto Center for Families

There is rejoicing in Texas because the government has announced the closing of the T. Don Hutto For-Profit Family Jail for Immigrants. Protests and lawsuits against the privatized 512-bed detention center run for the government by the Corrections Corporation of America focused on its cruel treatment of children who were imprisoned there in substandard living… continue reading

Pope Benedict XVI Cites Focolare’s Economy of Communion as Economic Model

In his new encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth) , Pope Benedict pointed to the Economy of Communion as a promising economic model. The Economy of Communion in Freedom, as it is officially called, is a network of businesses linked to the Focolare Movement. The Economy of Communion was launched in 1991 when Focolare founder… continue reading

Interview with Focolare’s Economy of Communion Business

The Houston Catholic Worker Interviewed Joan Duggan and Tom Rowley the Economy of Communion – Joan Duggan and Tom and JoAnn Rowley are co-owners of “Finish Line,” an Economy of Communion educational services business specializing in tutoring. Joan is on the Board of the Economy of Communion for North America.   HCW : Thank you both… continue reading

Encyclical Caritas in Veritate: People-Centered Economic Ethics Must Embrace All the Stakeholders, Not Just the Stockholders

Pope Benedict’s XVI’s social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate , took the economic world by surprise. While readers on the right and the left were both waiting for more statements about capitalism and socialism, they found instead a challenge to Catholics and other people of good will of “a profoundly new way of understanding business enterprise” (40)…. continue reading