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Pope Benedict XVI Insists: No Structural Adjustment Related to Forgiveness of the Foreign Debt. But What Is It?

The Holy Father recently drew the attention of national leaders when he said something dramatic and startling in his address to the Diplomatic Corps. When he asked that the process of debt cancellation and reduction for the poorest countries be continued and accelerated, Pope Benedict XVI insisted that these processes must not be made conditional upon… continue reading

The Vocation of Business: Social Justice in the Marketplace by John Médaille. Continuum Books, 2007

In his new book , The Vocation of Business ,  John Médaille, a businessman who teaches “Social Justice for Business Students” at the University of Dallas, makes a comprehensive case for introducing values such as justice and equity into business practices by applying the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). It certainly seems like a reasonable… continue reading

The Tragedy of our Deported Brothers and Sisters: What Can We Do When People are Hurt So Much in the Immigration Debate?

Since the date on which the politicians in this country undertook the theme of the “undocumented” as a tool that would allow them to dig up more votes in the coming elections, many situations for and against our more than 10 million undocumented brothers and sisters have taken place. We know the positive elements, since… continue reading

Locking Up the Huddled Masses: Innocent Refugees in Cyclone and Barbed Wire Fences

Professor Joe Vail directs the Immigration Law Clinic at the University of Houston. He was formerly an immigration judge. There is a building located just north of Beltway 8 approximately 2 miles to the east of the Houston Bush Intercontinental Airport. The building is owned by a private corporation called the Corrections Corporation of America… continue reading

Into the Dark with God: A Christmas Meditation on the Incarnation, for a Troubled World

And the angel said to them: “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you Good News of a great joy that will come to all the people: for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you… continue reading

Vatican Declares Catholicism a Peace Church: Follow the Way of the Great Prophets of Peace, the way of Conscientious Objection and of Alternative Social Service, the way of Nonviolence

Excerpted from Cardinal Bertone’s first address as new Vatican Secretary of State to the Vatican Diplomatic Corps, all the ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, on September 29, 2006. Our contemporaries hope that the diplomats in their role will contribute to establishing and maintaining “an international order, the art of establishing reasonable human relations among peoples”… continue reading

Death Sentence for Rafael and Other Immigrants

Rafael (not his real name), a construction worker, came to us a sick man. We went the usual procedure of trying to arrange help for him before his cancer became any worse. We tried to arrange an eligibility card—called a Gold Card—but were unsuccessful because he didn’t have a picture ID. We accompanied him to… continue reading

Pope Benedict XVI: A Voice Crying in the Wilderness on Nonviolence in the Middle East: We Will Not Be Quiet

During the recent war in Lebanon, Pope Benedict XVI cried out at every public appearance for all, in the name of God, to immediately lay down their arms. He said, “We will not keep quiet, we will do everything possible so that those in power hear us.” The Vatican Information Service has faithfully reported his… continue reading

Meeting Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin

Stanley visited the Catholic Worker when he was and idealistic 18-year-old and began to help. He could never decide if he wanted to stay or not for sure, but died as a Catholic Worker at age 80. One morning in the Williamsburg branch of the public library I picked up The Life of Christ by… continue reading

Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Bertone, Indicts International Monetary Fund and World Bank on Usury

Pope Benedict’s Secretary of State for the Vatican, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, recently gave an interview to the Italian journal 30 Giorni in which he condemns the practices of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as usury. Several Catholic news services have reported on his recent interview. The National Catholic Reporter reminded readers that even in… continue reading