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Thanksgiving Letter 2015

We hoped for a response from our Christmas letter of appeal for approval for another year at Casa Juan Diego. Our readers voted a resounding “yes.” You responded positively and generously, getting us off to a good start in 2015. Thanksgiving gets short shrift, not only in our acquisitive culture, but  in non-acquisitive Casa Juan… continue reading

Christmas Letter 2014

Dear Friends of Casa Juan Diego, It is hard to celebrate Christmas in these times of conflict and violence. There is the terror of guns and arms, but also the terror of poverty impacting families worldwide. But celebrate we must: celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace, whose first message came from the stable… continue reading

Help Refugees Created By the Aftermath of the Iraq War

People have been asking us to write about how the United States should respond to the terrible violence of ISIS, or the Islamic state. The images and examples, of their cruelty, especially towards Christians, are barbaric. There must be a response. As we have pondered this question, we have been unable to forget some of… continue reading

Conference at St. Francis College in Indiana: DOROTHY DAY AND THE CHURCH MAY 13-15, 2015

Dorothy Day (1897-1980) was famously eulogized as “the most significant, interesting and influential person in the history of American Catholicism.” Her life embodied the recent call of Pope Francis to build “a poor Church for the poor”—and her combination of political radicalism with Catholic orthodoxy has the potential to lead the Church beyond the categories… continue reading

Action Alert to Congress Take Action! Protect Vulnerable Unaccompanied Children and Restore Critical Funding for Refugees and Other Vulnerable Populations

From Justice for Immigrants from the US Bishops Conference: Immediate Action Needed: Please urge your Senators and Representative to oppose legislative efforts to strip protections away from unaccompanied children who are fleeing from violence in Central America and seeking refuge in the United States. This includes, among others, efforts to reduce protections by changing the… continue reading

Humanitarian Crisis – Where Are the Children? Here Is A Number to Call

At Casa Juan Diego we are receiving phone calls from the families of the children who are coming alone to the United States. They ask, How can I find my children? One man asked,  How can I find my little girl who is three years old? She was separated from her aunt who accompanied her… continue reading

Feeding the Hungry and Caring for the Sick at Casa Juan Diego

It was the last day of the month. We knew it was going to be a busy morning, but it exceeded our expectations. We have all gotten to know the persons whom we have been helping for some time now who are very sick or have injuries that make it impossible for them to work…. continue reading

The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins Now Available in Spanish

Mark and Louise Zwick’s book, The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins, is now available in Spanish. To receive a free copy, write to Casa Juan Diego, P. O. Box 70113, Houston, TX 77270.

International Interest in the Canonization of Dorothy Day

International interest seems to be growing in Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. We are receiving requests from various countries for our new translation in Spanish of The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins. We wondered what was in the package from Germany. When we opened it, we found a copy of Concilium in German with a blue… continue reading

Dorothy Day and Pope Francis on Advertising

Dorothy Day famously said, “There have been many sins against the poor which cry out to high heaven for vengeance. The one listed as one of the seven deadly sins is depriving the laborer of his share. There is another one, that is, instilling in him the paltry desires to satisfy that for which he… continue reading