Hope has emerged from the first steps toward immigration reform under discussion in the U. S. Congress. There seemed to be a new bipartisan willingness to tackle the issue of the millions of undocumented people already in the United States. We hope and pray that this effort does not get bogged down in political concerns… continue reading
Pope Benedict XVI Praises Dorothy Day
In one of his last general audiences before leaving his Petrine ministry (February 13, 2013), Pope Benedict XVI spoke about how difficult it often is to live one’s faith in God in the midst of modern secular society, as it has been in other periods of history. He emphasized the great conversions that… continue reading
Pope Benedict XVI Resigns, Leaves Us Wisdom On Living the Gospel
On February 11, 2013, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Holy Father Benedict XVI announced his resignation because of his advanced age and lessened strength. In the flurry of Internet articles and television commentary that followed, what seemed to be missed was the profundity of what he has had to say in his… continue reading
What the New York Times Did Not Say About the Sainthood of Dorothy Day
Marquette University Archives The recent article on the front page of the New York Times about Dorothy Day’s canonization precipitated a lot of interest and a flurry of articles in other publications. Unfortunately, the editors of the New York Times, to the best of our knowledge, are not Catholic Workers, and the article confirmed that…. continue reading
Christmas Letter and Appeal
Dear Friends, The joy of Christmas comes as a great gift, breaking into the despair and sadness that surrounds us and others in many parts of the world. The joy of Christmas brings us into the Spirit of giving, which allows us to give rather than receive, whether it means giving one’s gift or one’s… continue reading
Photos of Mark and Louise Zwick Speaking About Their Book at Mt. Union College
Photos of Mark and Louise Zwick speaking about their book, The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins, at Mt. Union College in Ohio.
Book Review: Saved By Beauty: A Spiritual Journey with Dorothy Day
Saved by Beauty: A Spiritual Journey with Dorothy Day by Michael O’Neill McGrath. World Library Publications, the Music and Liturgy Division of the J. S. Paluch Company, 2012. Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, artist and Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, has just published a book entitled with the famous saying from Dostoevsky frequently quoted by… continue reading
The Catholic Worker: A Model for Church and World
A presentation by Mark and Louise Zwick at the University of Notre Dame on October 4, 2o03. Direct link to video (may load slowly on some browsers)
Mark and Louise Zwick speak about Dorothy Day at the University of St. Thomas
Mark and Louise Zwick present the second Lenten Lecture in the series about “Americans on the Road to Sainthood” at the University of St. Thomas Foundress of the Catholic Worker Movement: Dorothy Day