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A Vaccine for the Heart

by Dawn McCarty, Ph.D., LMSW These days at Casa Juan Diego feel like being in a pressure cooker. Those of us who work and live in one of our houses of hospitality have mostly escaped direct harm from the virus; we adhere to and strictly enforce CDC guidelines and trust in God while we wait… continue reading

A Christmas Letter

Dear Friends of Casa Juan Diego, Casa Juan Diego is forty years old. We wish to thank you for forty years of generosity. The history of Casa Juan Diego is the history of your generosity, a history of Christmas generosity. We can do much at the Houston Catholic Worker because of you. In addition to… continue reading

The Christmas Story: Welcoming the Holy Family at Casa Juan Diego

The Christmas story of my childhood has changed very little in my mind. As I understood it and still understand it today, Mary and Joseph were forced by an unjust and corrupt government to take a precarious journey, one that put the mother and her unborn child into great danger. Escaping the power of a… continue reading

Recognizing the Incarnation in a Broken World

Kevin writes from Sugar Land. He and his wife, Katie, and their teenage and adult children – Brenna, Dan, Aaron, and Abby — volunteer several Saturdays a month at Casa Juan Diego. If Advent and Christmas 2020 are like the rest of the year, we can expect the celebrations of the season to be restrained, maybe… continue reading

The Wedding at Casa Juan Diego

I would like to start off by clarifying that there was no wedding here at Casa Juan Diego in the physical sense but that every day we experience the fruits of Mary’s intercession just as they did at the Wedding at Cana. The time of Advent waiting for the celebration of the birth of Jesus… continue reading

Casa Juan Diego and the Incarnation In Time of Crisis

The question comes to us each day: How to live the joy of the Incarnation of the eternal Word longed for and anticipated for so many centuries and a reality in our world even now, in the midst of the changes in our lives during this past year and the suffering of so many? Catholic… continue reading

Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: Jim Forest’s Memoir

Jim Forest, Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2020. 326 pp.  + ix. For three decades, Jim Forest has written books on prayer, friendship, forgiveness, and a string of biographies on Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, and Daniel Berrigan, all of which offer snippets from his personal experiences. But in this… continue reading

A New Beginning in Uncertain Times at Casa Juan Diego

Anne joined Casa Juan Diego as a Catholic Worker at Casa Juan Diego on August 1, 202,0 after her graduation from St. Mary’s College in Indiana. I was welcomed at Casa Juan Diego with the simple instructions given by Louise Zwick to all new Catholic Workers upon arrival: ring the doorbell when you’re here. When… continue reading

Fratelli Tutti, New Encyclical of Pope Francis

“FRATELLI TUTTI With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavor of the Gospel.” Thus begins the third encyclical of Pope Francis, with words that could change all of our lives if we take them to heart.  Pope Francis teaches… continue reading

Catholic Social Teaching, Matthew 25 and Land Reform: Blood in the Fields and In the Streets

 “In the eschatological parable of the sheep and the goats, Christ identifies so closely with the hunger, thirst, homelessness, nakedness, sickness, and imprisonment of others that he takes on their afflictions and they become his own.” (Blood in the Fields, p. 206) The demonstrations and protests of 2020 in response to the death of George… continue reading