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La Révolution du Coeur: Le Café Dorothy and The Catholic Worker in France

More French-speaking guests have been arriving at Casa Juan Diego from Africa. We have been fortunate to have volunteers who speak French and some of our Catholic Workers who have never studied French have begun a study of the language. Last spring we also had a visit from Pierre from Paris, who told us about… continue reading

Reflections at Casa Juan Diego on Tropical Storm Imelda and Climate Change

Continuing Mark Zwick’s tradition of sharing the faith in the light of  current realities with the guests of Casa Juan Diego, last night we reflected with the 35 men at Casa Don Marcos on the recent tropical storm here and climate change. We shared a section of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si on climate change, mentioning… continue reading

Bishop Ramazzini, Friend of the Poor, Named a Cardinal

We received with joy the news that Bishop Ramazzini of the Diocese of Huehuetenango, Guatemala, is one of the new Cardinals that will be created by Pope Francis at the October consistory. Mark and Louise Zwick met Bishop Ramazzini in the in his former Diocese of San Marcos. They were concerned about the plight of… continue reading

“You Shall Not Wrong Any Widow or Orphan”: Seeking a Better Way Than Family Separation

One of our guests sat weeping in our office as she contemplated her future. Her husband was in immigration detention and the possibilities for his release were not good. Our Honduran guest (we will call her Suyapa), eight months pregnant, had been released while her husband was sent to further detention in Georgia. Their baby… continue reading

Vintage Mark Zwick and the Catholic Worker

During the first 20+ years of the Houston Catholic Workernewspaper, we regularly ran a column entitled “The Pilgrimage Continues in Houston.”  Written by Mark Zwick or by Mark and Louise Zwick together, it was inspired by Dorothy Day’s famous column “On Pilgrimage” and it offered a glimpse of life at Casa Juan Diego.  In it,… continue reading

Ben Salmon, Catholic Conscientious Objector

Michael J. Baxter co-founded and lived and worked at Andre House in Phoenix (1984-88) and the Peter Claver Catholic Worker in South Bend (2003-09). He directed the Catholic Peace Fellowship from 2001-2012. He currently teaches Religious Studies and Catholic Studies at Regis University in Denver and is completing a collection of his essays on Catholic… continue reading

Immersed In Border Reality: So many desperately poor displaced people all at once

Monica was a full-time Catholic Worker at Casa Juan Diego for two years. Her work now is with the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. My recent firsthand glimpse of the reality on the border was a sobering shock to me. The vast movement of vulnerable poor, including so many thousands of children, is… continue reading

Hospitality at Casa Juan Diego

In November 2017, after having completed two years in Honduras as a volunteer at “The Farm of the Child” (a Catholic home for children), I was encouraged to come to Casa Juan Diego.  Louise Zwick opened the door for me and presently I am very privileged to live at, and be a part of, this… continue reading

Dorothy Day, The World Will Be Saved By Beauty, and Notre Dame Cathedral

Killeen spent eight weeks last year as a part of the Summer Service Learning Program of the University of Notre Dame Individuals, corporations, and even educational institutions like the University of Notre Dame have collectively donated over $1 billion toward the reconstruction of the Cathedral in the days following the tragic fire at Notre-Dame in… continue reading

Oscar Romero: God’s Glory in the Poor – and In the 36 New Men at Casa Juan Diego

Oscar Romero’s Theological Vision: Liberation and Transfiguration of the Poor, by Edgardo Colón-Emeric. Notre Dame University Press, 2018.  Reviewed by Louise Zwick As we recently received thirty-six Central American men as guests in our house in one day,not only paying for their travel to get here, feeding them, acquiring extra mattresses, providing hospitality bags, answering… continue reading