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Who Needs Christmas?

Many wish someone would do something about Christmas. The feast is a national pastime which often has little to do with the meaning of the word Christmas or its origins. Beginning preparations for buying things have just about moved back to the fourth of July. Some feel we need a new independence day to declare… continue reading

Our days at Casa Juan Diego are filled with joys, but also sorrows and challenges: Meeting Jesus in the Poor and the Privileged

When Hurricane Florence was bearing down on the Carolinas and the East Coast, it had not occurred to us that it would affect immigrant travel. When we received a call that immigrant families who had been released from Immigration were trapped in Houston because no buses were running to the East Coast, Catholic Workers here… continue reading

Notre Dame Student Accompanies the Poor

Liam, a student at the University of Notre Dame.spent eight weeks at Casa Juan Diego this summer. During my time at the men’s house of Casa Juan Diego, my family and friends often asked me to describe what I was doing or how I was feeling. This was one of the most difficult things to… continue reading

The Eighth Work of Mercy And Caring for Our Common Home to Prevent a Refugee Crisis

In his Message for the 2016 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation entitled Show Mercy to our Common Home, Pope Francis unexpectedly announced an addition of two works of mercy to the original 14 – one corporal and one spiritual – compiled into a single phrase: “care for our common home.” We… continue reading

Homily of Archbishop Gómez at Closing Mass of the V Encuentro: You Are the Spiritual Heirs of Juan Diego.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Our Gospel reading today begins with these words: “Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey.” This is our story, yours and mine. This is the story of the Church. We are his disciples. That means that at some point in our lives, each one… continue reading

All Are Invited: Mass in Honor of Mark Zwick

Special Mass on November 7, 2018, to name the Casa Juan Diego men’s House of Hospitality, Casa Don Marcos in honor of Mark Zwick, founder of Casa Juan Diego. In 1980, Mark founded Casa Juan Diego, a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality where thousands of refugees escaping to Houston during the civil wars in Central… continue reading

Catholic Worker Retreat – Encounter with Silence schedule 2021

Encounter with Silence Retreat “Encounter with Silence” is a six-day retreat, developed by Onesimus Lacouture, S.J., and formerly given by Father John Hugo. Perhaps the most famous lover of the retreat is the Servant of God, Dorothy Day. She made the retreat more than 20 times and wrote of it often. Day said it was… continue reading

Saint Oscar Romero, a Doctor of the Church?

At Casa Juan Diego we received with great joy the news from the Vatican that Blessed Oscar Rome will be canonized on October 14, 2018 in Rome, alongside Pope Paul VI, who gave Monseñor Romero unconditional support in a difficult time in El Salvador. In 2015 when Archbishop Romero was beatified, Pope Francis declared him… continue reading

Finding the “Tenderness of God” In Gang Intervention Work

Two literal books were the figurative bookends of my arriving to and exiting from Casa Juan Diego in the form of Father Gregory Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart and Barking to the Choir. In the back of my copy of Tattoos on the Heart there are phone numbers of group leaders and outlines of a schedule. The… continue reading

Children Detained: Immigration and Jesus’ Story of the Rich Man and the Beggar

Those of us who work closely with immigrants, who share our lives with them at Casa Juan Diego, have had to come to terms with the increasingly cruel and aggressive policies of our government towards our guests. We have gotten accustomed to it, to be honest. I am not sure this is entirely a good… continue reading