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The Economic Crisis of 2008-2009: The Logic of the Market is Unacceptable

This article appeared in a “symposium in print” in the National Catholic Register in November 2008. God brought Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin together to form the Catholic Worker movement at a time when the world was facing an economic crash similar to today’s. They critiqued robber barons, banks, the financial system, and the free… continue reading

Pope Benedict XVI: Self-Interest Will Destroy the World

Pope Benedict XVI contradicted the reigning philosophies of self-interest, warning listeners gathered to hear his Angelus reflection on the Feast of Christ the King: “If each one thinks only of his or her own interests, the world can only go to ruin.” Contrasting the message of Jesus with the idea of basing our lives and… continue reading

Chesterton and John Paul II on Capitalism

by Donald Boland, Center for Thomistic Studies, Sydney, Australia Confusingly, the word “Capitalism” is used both for an economic system that has an abnormal condition in regard to the distribution of wealth or property, and one where the distribution of wealth is not an issue. Both are systems that are based upon the institution of… continue reading

Faith and the Financial Crisis

Jim is the Editor of The Common Good, the newspaper of Christchurch Catholic Worker in New Zealand. There is no easy way to write about the financial crisis which has hit the global economy these past months. In New Zealand, more than 20 financial institutions have gone to the wall. Investors have lost everything. The… continue reading

An Inside Job: Our Best and Brightest, Not Illegals, Pushed Us To the Brink of Financial Disaster

Greg Erlandson is the president and publisher of Our Sunday Visitor. They did it again. They distracted us with all their talk of illegal immigrants stealing our jobs and draining our resources. They told us how we had to put up barriers, distrust anyone who wasn’t American. They made us suspicious of others, just the… continue reading

Bishop Tobin Calls for Conscientious Objection for Immigration Agents

(PROVIDENCE, R.I.)-The Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence and 15 pastors who serve the state’s diverse immigrant community have urged Stephen Farquharson , Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), Boston Regional Office, to declare a moratorium on immigration raids in Rhode Island.  The clergy also encouraged ICE to allow agents to excuse themselves from… continue reading

Archbishop Gomez: Cruel Vindictive Immigration Laws Undermine Rule of Law

JEFFERSON CITY, MO. On October 8, 2008 the Catholic News Agency reported that San Antonio Archbishop José H. Gomez, the senior Hispanic member of the United States’ Catholic hierarchy, called for a moratorium on deportations, federal work site raids, and new anti-immigration legislation. Addressing a rally at the Missouri State Capitol, Archbishop Gomez said he… continue reading

Dorothy Day: A Radical Saint

The following is a talk given by Robert Ellsberg at the 75 th Anniversary Catholic Worker Conference in Worcester, Massachusetts, July 10, 2008. Robert is the editor of the newly published diaries of Dorothy Day entitled “The Duty of Delight,” Marquette Univ. Press. It is a privilege to speak here today, surrounded by so many… continue reading

A Familiar Pilgrimage In Remarkable Detail: A Review Essay: The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day, ed. Robert Ellsberg (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2008), 669 pp. + xxxiv.

Michael Baxter teaches at the University of Notre Dame and lives and works at the Catholic Worker in South Bend, Indiana. He is also national secretary for the Catholic Peace Fellowship. Introduction The arrangement whereby the diaries of the Dorothy Day were transferred from the Catholic Worker in New York to the archives at Marquette… continue reading

Reflections on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement

The following is a talk given by Jim Forest in 2008 to a gathering of European Catholic Workers. Jim, who was a Catholic Worker with Dorothy Day, is the author of Love is the Measure: A Biography of Dorothy Day, Founder of the Catholic Worker. A key element of the Catholic Worker movement’s charism has… continue reading