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Pope Benedict XVI Interprets Vatican Council II: Holy Father Unwittingly Completes Zwick Article on “What Happened To the tremendous Renewal Possibilities After Vatican II?”

Editors’ Introduction: Unwittingly, Pope Benedict XVI has written the final chapter to our article, “What Happened After Vatican II?” which we published in the March-April 2004 edition of the Houston Catholic Worker. At the time of its publication, long-time Catholic Worker and Catholic Deacon Tom Cornell spoke positively about our description and analysis of the… continue reading

Dorothy Day’s Granddaughters on Canonization

by Martha Hennessy It is a privilege for my family to be asked to participate in the effort to forward the cause for canonization of Dorothy Day. I hope that our contributions can be understood, in the words of Peter Maurin as part of “the clarification of thought” and that our sentiments will not disqualify… continue reading

New Immigration Bill Shames United States: All Hispanics at Risk

Hispanics have had their Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass), similar to that which occurred in Germany in November of 1938. It occurred December 16, 2005. The House of Representatives of the government of the United States, with 60 votes to spare, declared that all new immigrants who can’t prove exact legality are criminals and subject… continue reading

Pope Benedict XVI Sets the Themes for his Papacy: Rulers Must Help the Poor; Respect of Persons Prohibits Some Economic Practices; Lectio Divina Will Bring a New Spiritual Springtime

While waiting for some dramatic theme to come out of the new papacy, many commentators have missed the soft, gentle, but sure voice of Benedict XVI developing a common thread through his presentations in which he proclaims a new vision-a vision that is not really new, but so old it looks like new (cf. Peter… continue reading

House of Representatives Immigration Bill H.R. 4437 Would Destroy People, Families, and the Economy: Write To Your Congress People

If the new bill passed by the House of Representatives, H. R. 4437, the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, becomes law, it would do violence to immigrants and their families, making them criminals for living in the United States. It would also make criminals out of anyone who helps immigrants…. continue reading

Helping the Poor, the Immigrant, the Injured May Be Considered Treason (According to House Bill H. R. 4437)

We had just returned from visiting our sick men’s houses, where many of our guests live who are greatly disabled and rejected by our society, to read in the Houston Chronicle 12/17/05 that the House of Representatives (not the Senate) had passed a bill that would declare all of these men common criminals and subject… continue reading

Benedict XVI, The Peace Pope

When, upon his election as Pope in April 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger took the name Benedict XVI, it was hard to ignore the cheering of many influential conservative Catholics. The name, obviously, honored St. Benedict of Nursia—the man who founded European monasticism and sparked Europe’s recovery from barbarism after the collapse of the Roman Empire…. continue reading

A Theory of Personalism (New York: Lexington Books, 2005, by Thomas and Rosita Rourke

It is refreshing to read a text that engages the political, socio-economic world from the standpoint of Catholic spiritual-ity yet does not focus exclusively on the issues of abortion, euthanasia, stem-cell research, and homosexuality, nor strives to wed faith with free market economics. Like a brisk wind, Thomas and Rosita Chazarreta Rourke’s A Theory of Personalism… continue reading

The Magi Changed Ideas of Power: Kneeling Before the Child of Poor People, They Discovered God

In our pilgrimage with the mysterious Magi from the East, we have arrived at the moment which Saint Matthew describes in his Gospel with these words: “Going into the house (over which the star had halted), they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him” (Mt 2:11). Outwardly, their… continue reading

Devastating Effects of CAFTA: Killing Protestors is Not Democracy

Monseñor Álvaro Ramazzini is the bishop of San Marcos, Guatemala, and President of the Bishops’ Secretariat of Central America and Panama. He collaborated with Mark and Louise Zwick in founding centers for displaced immigrants and refugees in Guatemala. The recent passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) by the U.S. Congress is a… continue reading