Thirty years ago, if I were asked if Dorothy Day, a co-founder of the Catholic Worker newspaper and hospitality houses, was a saint, I would have responded, most likely, “she’s a communist and a traitor.” Twenty years ago, if I were asked the same question, I would have answered, hopefully, a little more humbly, “I… continue reading
A Question for Catholics: Is “St.” Dorothy Day a Uniter or Divider? Review of the Zwicks’ The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins
The Drawbacks of Pure Secular Reason, especially in the midst of Hurricane Katrina
As we were trying to write this article about putting flesh on the Gospel in the world, we were constantly interrupted by telephone calls from desperate people, a weeping, battered woman with a battered upbringing, Spanish-speaking immigrants arriving from New Orleans and Mississippi from Hurricane Katrina seeking shelter, and one person after another with serious… continue reading
The MinuteMen are Coming to Houston – Another Violence for Immigrants to Face
They’re coming with guns. The Minute Men are coming to the corners of Casa Juan Diego armed to the teeth to confront the immigrants who come to earn money to support their children-something we never knew was treasonous. Violence, however, is not new to immigrants. The moment they hopped on a train to come North,… continue reading
“A Just Cause”: Central American Migrants and Mexico’s Southern Border
Christine Kovic teaches Anthropology at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Patty Kelly teaches Anthropology at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. Christine’s mother, Lenore Walker, is a volunteer several days a week at Casa Juan Diego. “We’re fighting for a just cause, to find work.” Carlos, Honduran migrant in Tapachula This past July we traveled to… continue reading
Pope Benedict: All Are Called to Solidarity with Poor and Refugees
Pope Benedict XVI calls all to commitment in living out the faith. He has insisted that “Christians be sensitive to the needs of everyone, without ever hiding the radical requirements of the Gospel message.” He asked that all baptized be committed, each in their own state of life, to transforming society by permeating the mentality… continue reading
Dorothy Day on the Atom Bomb at Hiroshima
Reprinted on the sixtieth anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb. Mr. Truman was jubilant. President Truman. True man; what a strange name, come to think of it. We refer to Jesus Christ as true God and true Man. Truman is a true man of his time in that he was jubilant. He was… continue reading
Group Formed to Promote Canonization of Dorothy Day: Reflections on Dorothy’s Life and Spirit
Robert Ellsberg spoke at a gathering of individuals interested in the canonization of Dorothy Day on June 7, 2005, held under the auspices of the Cardinal Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Egan. Since Dorothy Day was from New York, it fell under the responsibility of the Ordinary of her diocese to pursue the canonization process…. continue reading
Is the New Interest in the Poor and Debt Forgiveness Sincere?
Naomi is the granddaughter of Mark and Louise Zwick and a student at Incarnate Word Academy. In England, July 2, 2005, there was a Make Poverty History Rally. This occurrence would naturally give the public hope that something concrete was going to happen to help with the poverty level in Third World countries. Though it… continue reading
Pope John Paul II’s Dream of Debt Forgiveness Partially Fulfilled
For decades, as financial policies were imposed upon countries around the world with strict control by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank the people were told that this neoliberal economic system will raise all boats, eventually. Each year, however, the yachts of the rich countries have become bigger and more elegant, and the… continue reading
The Love of Christ Towards Migrants through the Stories of Immigrants at Casa Juan Diego: How Did It Occur To You To Do Such a Thing?
The following is a talk given by Mark and Louise Zwick at the University of St. Thomas Summer Institute in Houston on Immigration. The talk was entitled “The Love of Christ Towards Migrants,” the same as the title of a document recently published by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant… continue reading