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At Casa Juan Diego Finding Lost Migrants

When people tell us that their families were separated at the border, they hope against hope that we will be able to help them find their loved ones. What a challenge as we receive many families and individuals from ICE. We all rejoiced a few months ago when we were able to find a 19-year-old… continue reading

The Crisis of Climate Displaced People: Two Reports to Guide Us

This article was just quoted in the Brookings Register of South Dakota in an article by Carl Kline entitled, “It’s Time to Act on Climate Change.” https://brookingsregister.com/article/its-time-to-act-on-climate-change When hurricanes Iota and Eta devastated Honduras and parts of Guatemala last year, causing massive flooding and rain and the loss of places to live and many livelihoods, Central… continue reading

We Almost Didn’t Survive

By a Cuban refugee woman On the 19th of June of 2019 I left my country of birth to seek a better future for myself and my family.  On that day I set out for Guyana.  There I worked with my husband to maintain ourselves with food and housing.  Many days we slept in the… continue reading

Moderna vaccines at Casa Juan Diego

  COVID-19 VACCINES CASA JUAN DIEGO 4811 Lillian Houston, TX 77007 Tuesday June 22, 2021 Tuesday July 20, 2021 8am – 12pm Social Distancing & Masks Required                     VACUNAS Contra el COVID-19 CASA JUAN DIEGO 4811 Lillian Houston, TX 77007 martes 22 de junio del 2021 martes… continue reading

The Gospel and Living Catholic Tradition

The Second Vatican Council asks us to read the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel. In seeking to do that, we have been trying to make sense of the divisions in our country and our Church, of so much violence, of threats to our climate and the earth,… continue reading

The Journey of a Congolese Family to Casa Juan Diego

The family was interviewed and their story retold here by Allison Clifton, who often translates for us from French to English when we have new African guests. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Recently, Casa Juan Diego has received a number of families from the Democratic Republic of Congo and other African… continue reading

The Garden of Hospitality at Casa Juan Diego, the Houston Catholic Worker

I find myself planted here at Casa Juan Diego because of the seeds of hospitality that have been graciously sown into my life. One of the gardeners who most recently pointed me in the direction of the rich soil here at Casa Juan Diego was Catherine Griffin, a former Catholic Worker who spent two years… continue reading

PROGRAM ON HOLD: Peter Maurin’s Agricultural Ideal: Now There is Help for Minority Farmers

This is what Black farmers feared when they heard the good news: U.S. Farmers Of Color Were About To Get Loan Forgiveness. Now The Program Is On Hold https://www.npr.org/2021/06/11/1005560226/u-s-farmers-of-color-were-about-to-get-loan-forgiveness-now-the-program-is-on-ho     A key part of Peter Maurin’s practical program for implementing Catholic tradition was family or community farms. In the U.S., smaller farms have been… continue reading

Louise Zwick Interviewed About the Border Crisis

Louise Zwick was interviewed on Houston’s KHOU (Channel 11) News about the crisis at the US-Mexico border on March 31. The interview is available at the link below along with information on how to support Casa Juan Diego. Louise Zwick Interviewed About Crisis at US-Mexico Border

Immigrants at the Border and at Casa Juan Diego

In February ICE started calling Casa Juan Diego each day asking about how many beds we have available for families. They had been expecting a growing number of families for whom they would need to find shelter, as family detention centers  closed and alternative plans made. The situation at the border has been changing daily… continue reading