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Fratelli Tutti, New Encyclical of Pope Francis

“FRATELLI TUTTI With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavor of the Gospel.” Thus begins the third encyclical of Pope Francis, with words that could change all of our lives if we take them to heart.  Pope Francis teaches… continue reading

Activate Catholic Antibodies Against the Coronavirus and the Virus of the Soul

Facing Crises With the Antibodies of Catholicism How does one continue the Works of Mercy in the midst of a pandemic? How can one help to keep faith and hope alive when people are worried and anxious and ill and some in their desperation become angry and have even sought scapegoats? We often hear of… continue reading

Solidarity and the Unity of Suffering

Evan is a Catholic Worker at Casa Juan Diego. He came to us from a Trappist monastery. Growing up, it was a tradition for my family to travel into downtown Chicago to see a stage rendition of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Though I knew the story well, it never failed to excite my imagination, perhaps… continue reading

A Meditation on the Incarnation

Reflection on the Good News announced by the angel on that Holy Night when Jesus was born brings to us an awareness of the profound beauty and reality of the Incarnation, but also the contrast of the harsher reality of the world of that time, as well as that of our own time in history…. continue reading

Bishop Ramazzini, Friend of the Poor, Named a Cardinal

We received with joy the news that Bishop Ramazzini of the Diocese of Huehuetenango, Guatemala, is one of the new Cardinals that will be created by Pope Francis at the October consistory. Mark and Louise Zwick met Bishop Ramazzini in the in his former Diocese of San Marcos. They were concerned about the plight of… continue reading

Dorothy Day, The World Will Be Saved By Beauty, and Notre Dame Cathedral

Killeen spent eight weeks last year as a part of the Summer Service Learning Program of the University of Notre Dame Individuals, corporations, and even educational institutions like the University of Notre Dame have collectively donated over $1 billion toward the reconstruction of the Cathedral in the days following the tragic fire at Notre-Dame in… continue reading

Who Needs Christmas?

Many wish someone would do something about Christmas. The feast is a national pastime which often has little to do with the meaning of the word Christmas or its origins. Beginning preparations for buying things have just about moved back to the fourth of July. Some feel we need a new independence day to declare… continue reading

Homily of Archbishop Gómez at Closing Mass of the V Encuentro: You Are the Spiritual Heirs of Juan Diego.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Our Gospel reading today begins with these words: “Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey.” This is our story, yours and mine. This is the story of the Church. We are his disciples. That means that at some point in our lives, each one… continue reading

Saint Oscar Romero, a Doctor of the Church?

At Casa Juan Diego we received with great joy the news from the Vatican that Blessed Oscar Rome will be canonized on October 14, 2018 in Rome, alongside Pope Paul VI, who gave Monseñor Romero unconditional support in a difficult time in El Salvador. In 2015 when Archbishop Romero was beatified, Pope Francis declared him… continue reading

Living the Gospel in a Secular Society

It often seems challenging or almost impossible to live out the Sermon on the Mount. Implementing it even in small ways often involves creative thinking outside of the usual patterns of thought as well as discernment about what is happening in our world. A friend recently told us that she went to her parish to… continue reading