I live in two worlds. For the past 16 years, I have been serving immigrant communities at the Houston Catholic Worker, offering the Works of Mercy, both Corporal[1] and Spiritual[2] to all that cross our door. My day job is directing the social work program at a local university. This is a juggling act—the changing… continue reading
My Preferential Option for the Migrant; Conversion Through Grace and Encounter
I once read that the most effective reflections on the Gospel are not necessarily those which are pronounced from the pulpit or are shared by a scholar or theologian. Instead, many times it is the Christians who preach with their lives consecrated to the Gospel, who pray and actively work on the construction of… continue reading
New Immigration Policy Gives Status to Spouses and Children of U.S. Citizens And Helps Dreamers
Keeping American Families Together Program President Biden announced on June 17, 2024 a program to ensure that U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children can keep their families together. This new process will help noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence – status that they are already eligible for – without leaving the… continue reading
A Tough Journey For Our Family
We left Venezuela together, having faith in God that we would arrive at our destination. The lack of basic necessities and the organized delinquency in our country obliged us to go out, fleeing, leaving behind our loved ones and a part of our lives. We were my husband, my son and I, but we were… continue reading
New Migrants Arriving at Casa Juan Diego – Can you help?
I had commented to our (few) Catholic Workers last week that the Lord was having mercy on us, giving us a break, because a number of families or individuals who had been living at Casa Juan Diego were moving on. But we soon realized that some of the people among the many thousands who were… continue reading
How To Locate An Immigrant in Detention
If you are trying to locate an immigrant or refugee in detention, the government has provided a site to assist. The address is https://locator.ice.gov/odls/#/index. You will need to put in the first and last name, the country of origin, and either the A# or the birth date.
The Crisis of Climate Displaced People: Two Reports to Guide Us
This article was just quoted in the Brookings Register of South Dakota in an article by Carl Kline entitled, “It’s Time to Act on Climate Change.” https://brookingsregister.com/article/its-time-to-act-on-climate-change When hurricanes Iota and Eta devastated Honduras and parts of Guatemala last year, causing massive flooding and rain and the loss of places to live and many livelihoods, Central… continue reading
We Almost Didn’t Survive
By a Cuban refugee woman On the 19th of June of 2019 I left my country of birth to seek a better future for myself and my family. On that day I set out for Guyana. There I worked with my husband to maintain ourselves with food and housing. Many days we slept in the… continue reading
The Journey of a Congolese Family to Casa Juan Diego
The family was interviewed and their story retold here by Allison Clifton, who often translates for us from French to English when we have new African guests. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Recently, Casa Juan Diego has received a number of families from the Democratic Republic of Congo and other African… continue reading
Immigrants at the Border and at Casa Juan Diego
In February ICE started calling Casa Juan Diego each day asking about how many beds we have available for families. They had been expecting a growing number of families for whom they would need to find shelter, as family detention centers closed and alternative plans made. The situation at the border has been changing daily… continue reading