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Receiving Mothers and Children Traumatized by Border Experience

This summer, there has been an unprecedented increase in the numbers of women with children and unaccompanied minors entering the U.S. from Central and South America. At Casa Juan Diego, we are often asked how this change has affected us. Although we are not able to house children traveling alone, we do accept mothers with… continue reading

Doorkeeper For The Lord: ND Student Meets God In the Poor

Cristina is a student at the University of Notre Dame, She spent eight weeks this summer living and working at Casa Juan Diego. “What image comes to mind when you hear the word ‘God’?” Upon reading this reflection prompt I first thought it seemed incredibly simple. Growing up I often pictured God similar to Michelangelo’s… continue reading

Babies in the River – Urgent Humanitarian Situation, Part 2 – Breaking News and St. Basil

Commenting here on a breaking news story such as the children from Central America in custody at the Texas border runs the risk that the situation may have changed drastically by the time you read this. On the other hand, it is fascinating to look at current events “with a Bible in one hand and… continue reading

Action Alert to Congress Take Action! Protect Vulnerable Unaccompanied Children and Restore Critical Funding for Refugees and Other Vulnerable Populations

From Justice for Immigrants from the US Bishops Conference: Immediate Action Needed: Please urge your Senators and Representative to oppose legislative efforts to strip protections away from unaccompanied children who are fleeing from violence in Central America and seeking refuge in the United States. This includes, among others, efforts to reduce protections by changing the… continue reading

Living the Gospel At Casa Juan Diego

by Angel Valdez Angel has spent several months working and living at Casa Juan Diego before entering the seminary. I do not want to sound pretentious with this title and elevate this simple writing to the level of those hagiographers who wrote the inspired books of our Holy Scripture. I ask God to stop my… continue reading

The Nonviolent Acts of Jesus

Fr. Peláez Sanz is a priest of Diocese of Valladolid (Spain) and a member of the Movimiento Cultural Cristiano. Symbolic actions are a common patrimony of nonviolent movements. For example, the refusal of Gandhi to buy salt and his march to the sea with thousands of people and his boycott of English weaving while he… continue reading

Humanitarian Crisis – Where Are the Children? Here Is A Number to Call

At Casa Juan Diego we are receiving phone calls from the families of the children who are coming alone to the United States. They ask, How can I find my children? One man asked,  How can I find my little girl who is three years old? She was separated from her aunt who accompanied her… continue reading

Babies in the River: “Urgent Humanitarian Situation,” Part I

President Obama recently called the explosion in the number of migrant children crossing our southern border without parents or caretakers an “urgent humanitarian situation.” Ninety thousand children this year, some as young as five years old, making a journey alone that is incredibly dangerous even for adults, many of them beaten, robbed, forced to sell… continue reading

Feeding the Hungry and Caring for the Sick at Casa Juan Diego

It was the last day of the month. We knew it was going to be a busy morning, but it exceeded our expectations. We have all gotten to know the persons whom we have been helping for some time now who are very sick or have injuries that make it impossible for them to work…. continue reading

A Salvadoran Woman’s Journey: Looking for the Land of Promise

In El Salvador I had a house. I asked for a loan from a lender in order to buy a stand at the market and the merchandise that I was going to sell. The lender asked for the title to the house in exchange for the money. When I repaid him, he would return the… continue reading